The first deal is the farm in Golden Valley along with 1200 acres that is north of Kingman. This goes to the trustee sale on June 26, 2016. Sun Pacific loaned 8.2 million on the property and the remaining non performing note is $6,757,435 dollars.
The second great deal is approximately 10,000 acres north of Kingman that can be purchased at apporximately $7.5 million. This is a non-performing note so if one was to purchase it you would have to file the foreclosure paperwork on it and then . This was a really nice working farm two years ago. Below is the 1200 acres also included in this note sale.
The total acreage on this is 5,775.09 acres. Call me for a list of parcel numbers and more details.
Here are some photos from when the farm was first set up.
If you are interested in Kingman Farming operations or looking to acquire land here for farming please give me a call at 928-716-0973. I am the broker and owner of United Country Real Estate-Verde Valley property and I have been instrumental is some of the largest land sales here in Kingman for farm land and the Verde Valley area of the state.
After having a deep insight to both the deals I am thinking to have some share in Kingman Farming operations for farming purpose so that I could get profits from this work.